Monday, August 13, 2012

Subhash Chandra, the media maverick, in an exclusive conversation with B&E

He came, he saw, he conquered ... Subhash Chandra, the media maverick, in an exclusive conversation with B&E, shares the eventful ups and downs that he faced during his journey to the top

B&E: Many second generation entrepreneurs do not appear as successful as their parents? Is it because of over expectations from them? Or is there any other reason? Your personal views on this ‘perception’...
Yes, it happens due to over expectations at times. But, the phenomenon occurs mostly because of the fact that first generation entrepreneurs had no time to transfer the learning as they were generally too busy to build the business.

B&E: What is the most important thing that you advice your children?
Actually two things. First, to always keep your promise, and second, get cheated but knowingly, or say know the people you deal with.

B&E: In your opinion, what is the biggest mistake of your life?
The biggest mistake of my life was that I believed in the stock market and got carried away in 1999.

B&E: How has Subhash Chandra, the businessman, changed and evolved over all these years? Can you sight a few corporate incidents to help us better understand the same?
As a businessman, I have definitely evolved over the years. Today my focus is not about only making money, but also to contribute to the society in a more meaningful manner.

B&E: In times of distress and business dilemmas what is it that keeps you going? Can you recall any such incident?
Focus and determination to find the optimum solution for business dilemmas keeps me going. Vipassana (a meditation technique) has also helped me to remain calm and focused, thereby striking a right balance between work and personal life.

B&E: And what about ICL’s future?
ICL is down, but not out!

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