Friday, October 03, 2008

Dragon... and a little fire

There is an uncanny similarity between the events in Tibet and what was written in the book Dragon Fire

‘Pakistan neutralized,’ read the encrypted message. Air Marshal Commodore Ravi Thapar received it in the code which still had not been deciphered by the United States and European experts. It was a simple message leading to a battle plan he had already drawn up. The Chinese forces which had been pushed into Arunachal Pradesh would now be cut off from behind and then destroyed. Part of it was revenge for the dreadful defeat by China on India in 1962. Part of it was sensible military strategy... These were the lines from the famous thriller Dragon Fire written by renowned BBC journalist Humphrey Hawksley in the year 2000.

This futuristic fiction which was sequenced in the time zone of 2007 is having its ramification felt right in 2008. Incidentally Dragon Fire is set against the backdrop of a Tibetan uprising propelled by a renegade group of soldiers belonging to India’s elite Special Frontier Force (SFF) most of whose recruits are incidentally Tibetan Buddhists. It was Major Gendun Choedrak and his men from the SFF whose mission was to rescue a Buddhist religious leader Lhundrub Togden from the Drapchi Prison in Lhasa, Tibet.....Continue

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).
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