Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Lat(e)in America? Yes, by five centuries...

Five centuries after the European conquests, Latin America is surely but steadily reasserting its independence. In the southern cone especially, from Venezuela to Argentina, the region is rising to overthrow the legacy of external domination of the past centuries and the cruel and destructive social forms that they have helped to establish.

The mechanisms of imperial control, violence and economic warfare, hardly a distant memory in Latin America – are losing their effectiveness, undoubtedly a clear sign of the shift toward independence. Washington is now compelled to tolerate governments that in the past would have drawn down intervention or reprisal from the masses. Throughout the region, a vibrant array of popular movements is providing the basis for a meaningful democracy. The indigenous population, as if in a rediscovery of their pre-Columbian legacy, are much more active and influential, particularly in Bolivia and Ecuador.

For complete IIPM article click here

Source:- IIPM Editorial

Visit also:- IIPM Publication, Business & Economy & Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative

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